26 February 2025

BEL Apprentice Recruitment 2025: Walk in Test for Graduate and Technician Posts

BEL Apprenticeship Training 2025 for Graduates and Diploma holders. The Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Machilipatnam, Andhra Pradesh State is conducting Walk in Test for Graduate, Graduate (General) and Technician (Diploma) candidates for 01 year apprenticeship training under the Apprentices Act 1961. The Walk in Selection scheduled to be held on 2nd March 2025.

BEL Apprentice Recruitment 2025 – Graduate & Diploma Apprentice Posts

Apprentice Category

Vacancy Trades

Graduate Apprentices

Electronics, Computer Science, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical

Technician (Diploma) Apprentices

Electronics, Computer Science, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical

Graduate Apprentices (General)


Age Limit:

Maximum 25 years for all posts. Age relaxation: 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC, 10 years for PWD.

Monthly Salary (Stipend):

✔️ Graduate Apprentice (Engineering): ₹ 17,500/- per month.
✔️ Diploma Apprentice: ₹ 12,500/- per month.
✔️ B.Com Apprentice: ₹ 12,500/- per month.

Eligibility Criteria:

✔️ Pass class in BE / B.Tech in the respective discipline for Graduate apprenticeship
✔️ Pass class in B.Com for Graduate apprenticeship (General)
✔️ Pass class in Diploma in the respective discipline for Technician (Diploma) apprenticeship.
✔️ Only Indian Nationals are eligible.
✔️ For Graduate apprenticeship, candidates should have completed BE / B.Tech on or after 01.03.2020.
✔️ For Diploma apprenticeship, candidates should have completed Diploma on or after 01.03.2020.
✔️ For Graduate apprenticeship (General), candidates should have completed B.Com on or after 01.03.2020.

Selection Process: Walk in Test

Exam Date


Reporting Time

09:00 AM (Graduate Apprentices) / 10:30 AM (Graduate Apprentice General, Technician Apprentices)

Exam Duration

09:30 AM to 10:30 AM (Graduate Apprentices) / 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (Graduate Apprentice General, Technician Apprentices)


Andhra Jatheeya Kalasala (National College), Rajupeta, Machilipatnam – 521001

How to Apply:

Eligible Candidates should register their candidature as Apprenticeship on the web portal www.nats.education.gov.in. The Step by Step Process for Registration:-

Step 1: Log on to NATS 2.0 portal (https://nats.education.gov.in)
Step 2: Click on ‘Student’ tab.
Step 3: Click on ‘Student Register’
Step 4: Ensure the listed documents for student enrollment (Direct Link: https://nats.education.gov.in/ student register. php)
Step 5: Click on ‘Yes’
Step 6: Enter Email and Mobile No. (Will be used as a Username for Log-In Purpose) and captcha displayed in the screen.
Step 6: Click on Send OTP button (OTP will be sent to the above entered Mobile No. & Email)
Step 7: Enter both OTPs received through Email and Mobile and Click on ‘Verify OTP’
Step 8: Fill in all the required details (Basic details, education details, communication information, training preference & Bank details)
Step 9: Profile preview and Click on Final Submit
Step 10: Take print out of the registration form.

Important and Useful Links:

Detailed Notification

Notification Pdf

Online Registration Form

Apply Online Link

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by | Last Updated on 2025-02-26T15:08:40Z