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12 August 2024

Karnataka KPSC Recruitment 2024 Apply Online - 400 Vacancies

KPSC Recruitment 2024 Notifications for positions at different levels are now available. The Karnataka PSC Notification is aimed at 10th pass, 12th pass, Diploma, ITI, and Degree holders. On this page, job aspirants receive free job alerts regarding vacancies in the Karnataka state government. The Karnataka Public Service Commission (KPSC) is inviting online applications for direct recruitment to fill over 1000 vacancies across various departments of the Karnataka state Government.

KPSC Recruitment 2024 - Latest Karnataka Govt Jobs 2024 List:

Post Name – Total Vacancies

Last Date

Notification Link

Veterinary Officer in AHVS Karnataka - 400


Click Here

Motor Vehicle Inspector (RPC) - 70


Click Here

Librarian, Industrial Extension Officer Librarian - 70


Click Here

HK Group C Posts below Degree (Junior Engineers, Junior Health Inspector, Water Suppliers, Subsidiary Water Suppliers, Assistant Librarian) - 97


Click Here

RPC Group C Posts below Degree (Junior Engineers, Assistant librarian, Water Resources Servant etc.) - 313


Click Here

Panchayat Development Officer (PDO) (HK) - 97


Click Here

Panchayat Development Officer (PDO) (RPC) - 150


Click Here

Group B HK Posts (Gazetted Manager / Taluk Backward Classes Welfare Officer, Assistant Engineer, Assistant Directors, Geo Scientist) - 50


Click Here

Group B RPC Posts (Assistant Engineer (Civil), Assistant Directors, Geo Scientist, Registered Managers/ Taluk Backward Classes Welfare Officers) - 277


Click Here

Age Limit:

Minimum age limit: 18 years
Maximum age limit for general candidates: 35 years
Maximum age limit for Category 2A, 2B, 3A & 3B candidates: 38 years
Maximum age limit for SC/ST/Category-1 candidates: 40 years
Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.

Pay Scale / Monthly Salary:

✔️ Librarian: ₹ 37,900 - 70,850/-
✔️ Industrial Extension Officer Librarian: ₹ 33,450 - 62,600/-
✔️ Motor Vehicle Inspector: ₹ 33,450 - 62,600/-
✔️ Junior Engineers: ₹ 33,450 - 62,600/-
✔️ Water Suppliers: ₹ 27,650 - 52,650/-
✔️ Subsidiary Water Suppliers: ₹ 21,400 - 42,000/-
✔️ Junior Health Inspector: ₹ 23,500 - 47,650/-
✔️ Assistant Librarian: ₹ 30,350 - 58,250/-
✔️ Panchayat Development Officer: ₹ 37,900 - 70,8500/-
✔️ Gazetted Manager /Taluk Backward Classes welfare Officer: ₹ 43,100 - 83,900/-
✔️ Assistant Directors: ₹ 43,100 - 83,900/-
✔️ Geoscientist: ₹ 45,300 - 88,300/-

Eligibility Criteria:

✔️ Industrial Extension Officer Librarian: Must be holder of Degree in Science or Commerce or Business Administration or any Branch of Bachelor of Engineering.

✔️ Librarian: Must be holder of degree in Library Science of an University established by law in India.

✔️ Motor Vehicle Inspector: SSLC Examination Pass or equivalent qualification + Diploma in Automobile Engineering of three years duration or a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (OR) A Degree in Automobile Engineering / Mechanical Engineering. Holding a Driving License authorizing to drive Motor Cycle with gear and Light Motor Vehicles. Must possess minimum physical standards.

✔️ Junior Engineers: Diploma in relevant engineering discipline (Civil /Environment / Public Health Engineering etc.).

✔️ Water Suppliers / Subsidiary Water Suppliers: SSLC Pass or its equivalent. 02 years ITI in Electrical or Fitter Trade. Must have completed one year apprenticeship training in any Industry resulting in National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC).

✔️ Junior Health Inspector:  SSLC Pass or equivalent examination (AND) 03 years Diploma course in Sanitary Health Inspector/ Health Inspector conducted by Para medical Board of Govt. of Karnataka (OR) Must have passed PUC or its equivalent examination and Must have passed a two years Diploma course in Sanitary Health Inspector/Health Inspector conducted by para medical board of Govt. of Karnataka.

✔️ Assistant Librarian: Diploma in Library Science by the Board of Technical Education.

✔️ Panchayat Development Officer: Degree in any discipline.

✔️ Gazetted Manager /Taluk Backward Classes welfare Officer: Must be holder of a Bachelor Degree.

✔️ Assistant Directors: Engineering Degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent qualification.

✔️ Geoscientist: Post Graduate Degree in Geology or Applied Geology or equivalent qualification.

Selection Process:

✔️ Computer Based Recruitment Test (CBRT) (Competitive Examination)
✔️ Interview
✔️ Documents Verification

How to Apply KPSC Recruitment 2024:

Step 1: Eligible Candidates can apply online only through the KPSC website (kpsc.kar.nic.in).
Step 2: To start the new registration process, candidates should click on the "New Applicant Registration" link.
Step 3: Ensure you have a valid email ID and mobile number to register and create login credentials.
Step 4: Once you have registered and received your login credentials (USER ID & PASSWORD), proceed to fill out your complete information by clicking on "Applicant Details Registration".
Step 5: Candidates will only need to fill in their details once, and this information will be used for all future KPSC notifications. Therefore, keep your USER ID and Password securely, and you can update your information only through your login.
Step 6: Carefully provide all the required information on your applicant details page and ensure you save it using the "Save" button.
Step 7: You will need to upload a recent passport-sized photograph and signature. The photograph should not exceed 200 x 522 pixels and the signature should be within 70 x 22 pixels. Please note: Only upload the photograph and signature in JPEG/JPG format.
Step 8: After logging in with your credentials, you will see the relevant notifications under "Apply to Post". Click on the "Apply Now" link next to the notification you wish to apply for.
Step 9: Clicking on the "Apply Now" link will make the software check whether you meet the eligibility criteria as per the notification. If you are ineligible, the system will display a suitable message.
Step 10: Only candidates who meet the eligibility criteria will be allowed to proceed with their application.
Step 11: Before final submission of the application, ensure all the relevant fields in the application are filled correctly, as there will be no chance to make changes after applying for a specific post.
Step 12: If a candidate fails to pay the application fee for a specific notification, their application will be rejected. SC/ST/CAT-1/ Physically handicapped candidates are exempted from paying any fees. The application fee can be paid through online payment mode (Net Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card, UPI).
Step 13: Once you have successfully applied for the commission's notification, you will receive an SMS notification with instructions on how to download your admit card when the exam is scheduled by the KPSC commission.
Help Desk: In case of any difficulties while applying, you can contact the following helpline number:080-30574957/ 30574901.

by | Last Updated on 2024-08-12T16:51:21Z