21 March 2019

Trichy District Court Recruitment 2019 - Apply for 25 Office Assistant Vacancies

Chief Judicial Magistrate Court, Tiruchirappalli (District Court Trichy) invites applications for the post of Office Assistant in the Judicial (Criminal) unit of Tiruchirappalli District. The last date for submission of applications is 22nd March 2019.

Name of Post

No of Vacancies

Office Assistants


Age Limit: 18 to 30 years as on 11/03/2019 (18 to 35 years for SC / ST, 32 years for MBC / BC)

Pay Scale: Level 1 (₹ 15700-50000) of Pay matrix in Tamil Nadu Revised Pay Rules 2017.

Educational Qualification: Must possess VIII Standard. Matric candidates can also apply.

How to Apply: All applications should be submitted in the prescribed format. Only copies of certificates should be submitted along with the application and all the copies of certificates should duly be self attested by the applicant.

Completed application should be submitted along with attested copies of all the testimonials, certificates addressed to The Chief Judicial Magistrate, Chief Judicial Magistrate Court, Tiruchirappalli  - 620 001 on or before 22/03/2019.

Detailed Notification >>

Principal District Court, Tiruchirappalli (Trichy District Court) has published advertisement for recruitment to fill to the vacancies in the various posts in the Judicial Unit of Tiruchirappalli District, Tamil Nadu State. The last date for receipt of applications is 25th May 2017.

Name of Post

No of Vacancies

Educational Qualifications



Must Possess VIII Standard. Not above Matric.



Able to read and write in Tamil.



Able to read and write in Tamil.



Able to read and write in Tamil.



Able to read and write in Tamil.

Age Limit: Minimum - 18 Years; Maximum - 35 Years for SC / ST, 32 Years for MBC / BC / BC (Muslims), 30 Years for all others.

Scale of Pay: ₹ 4800 - 10000 PB1A + GP ₹ 1300/- for all above posts.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates apply in the prescribed application format, with passport size photos affixed and duly attested on the Right Margin of the application, in the space provided, as mentioned should be submitted along with attested copies of all the testimonials, certificates should be reach to The Principal District Judge, Principal District Court, Tiruchirappalli - 620 001 on or before 25/05/2017.

Details and Application Form >>

by | Last Updated on 2019-03-21T07:14:22Z