07 August 2017

Indian Air Force Flying and Meteorology Branch Recruitment 2017 Course in July 2018

Indian Air Force (IAF) invites applications from enterprising & adventurous Indian Citizens (men and women) for the post as Commissioned Officers in Flying and Meteorology Branch. The course commencing in July 2018. The last date for submission of online applications is 31sst August 2018.



Course Nos.

Age Limit


204/18F/PC/M 204/18F/SSC/ M & W

20 to 24 years as on 01  July 201 8 i.e. Born between 02 July 1994 to 01 July 1998. (Both dates inclusive). Upper age limit for candidate holding valid and current commercial pilot licence issued by DGCA (India) is relaxable upto 26 years i.e. Born between 02 July 1992 to 01 July 1998 (Both dates inclusive).

Ground Duty (Mon-Technical) Meteorology

M & W

20-26 Years as on 01 July 2017 i.e born in between 02 July 1991 to 01 July 1997. (both dates inclusive)

Educational Qualifications:

Flying ->

(a) NCC Air Wing Senior Division ‘C’ Certificate acquired on or after 06 Aug 1 5 is mandatory.
(b) Minimum of 60% marks each in Maths & Physics at 10+2 level and Graduate with minimum three year degree course in any discipline from a recognized University who have attained minimum 60% marks or equivalent. or minimum of 60% marks each in Maths & Physics at 10+2 level and BE/B. Tech degree (Four years course) with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent or cleared section A & B examination of Associate Membership of Institute Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India from a recognised University with minimum 60% marks or equivalent are also eligible.

Ground Duty Meteorology ->

(1) Post Graduate Degree in any Science stream/ Mathematics/ Statistics/ Geography/ Computer Applications/ Environmental Science/ Applied Physics/ Oceanography/ Meteorology/ Agricultural Meteorology/ Ecology & Environment/ Geophysics/ Environmental Biology with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate of all papers put together (Provided Maths and Physics were studied at Graduation Level with a minimum of 55% marks in both).

Pay and Allowances: Flying Officers will be entitled to Pay in Pay Band of ₹ 15,600 -39,100 per month along with Grade Pay, Military Service Pay, Dearness Allowance, Kit Maintenance Allowance, Transport Allowance. In addition, other allowances are applicable based on nature of duty place of posting and would include , Field Area Allowance, Special Compensatory (Hill area) Allowance, Special Force Allowance, Siachin Allowance, Island Special Duty Allowance, Hard Area Allowance and Remote Locality Allowance. On successful completion of Training, the newly Commissioned Flying Officers would be entitled to approximate gross monthly emoluments in Meteorology Branch, including Transport Allowance of major cities, of ₹ 66,738/-.

Physical Standards:

Height & Weight (For Men & Women) ->

Flying ->

(a) Height : 162.5 cms; Leg Length : Min - 99 cms, Max - 120 cms. Thigh Length : Max - 64 cms; Sitting Height : Min - 81.5 cms., Max- 96 cms.
(b) Weight: Proportionate to the height and age.

Ground Duty ->

(a) Height - The minimum acceptable height for male candidates is 157.5 cms. For women candidates minimum acceptable height is 152 cms. (For Gorkhas and individual belonging to hills of North-Eastern region of India, Garhwali and Kumaon, the minimum
acceptable height will be 5 cms less. In case of candidates
from Lakshadweep, the minimum acceptable height will be by 2 cms less. Applicable to men and women).
(b) Weight - Proportionate to the height and age.

Selection Process: All applicants whose applications are submitted by due date will be called for testing at one of the Air Force Selection Boards (AFSBs) at Dehradun, Mysore, Gandhinagar or Varanasi. The testing would consist of three stages as given below:-

(a) Stage-I -> Officer Intelligence Rating Test along with Picture Perception and discussion test will be conducted on the first day. Stage-I test is a screening test and only those who qualify would undergo subsequent testing. All Stage-I qualified candidates would be subjected to document check to ascertain their eligibility for the branch applied for. Candidates who either do not qualify in Stage-I or do not meet the required eligibility criteria would be sent back on the first day itself.
(b) Stage-II -> Psychological test, Group Tests and Interview would commence after document check for the next five days.
(c) For Flying Branch -> Computerized Pilot Selection System (CPSS) would be administered to recommended candidates only. This is once in a lifetime test. Candidates who have failed the CPSS/PABT in an earlier attempt or a Flight Cadet suspended from flying training at Air Force Academy will not be eligible to apply.

How to Apply: Eligible Interested candidates are required to Apply Online through IAF Website. The online registration open from 05/08/2017 and close on 31/08/2017.

Help Desk: Candidates may contact on Toll free number 1800-11-2448 or Phone No. 011 - 23010231 Extn 7610, 7645 or 7646 to resolve any query regarding online application procedure. Query timings are 0900 hrs to 1700 hrs (Monday to Friday). E-Mail queries may be addressed to career_iaf@bol.net.in.

DAVP Notification >>

by | Last Updated on 2017-08-07T08:06:00Z