24 December 2014

IPR Recruitment 2015 Stores Officer, Office Clerk

Institute For Plasma Research (IPR) Gandhinagar (Gujarat State) invites applications from highly motivated and result oriented candidates for following posts. The last date for submission of online application is 2nd January 2015.

About: The Institute for Plasma Research is a premier scientific institute under the Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India.

Advertisement No.10/2014

Post Name

No of Posts

Age Limit

Pay Scale

Stores Officer - I


35 Years

PB-3 Rs.15,600-39,100 with Grade Pay of Rs.5400/- (Gross Pay Rs.44100/- p.m.)

Assistant Stores Officer


35 Years

PB-2 Rs.9,300-34,800 with Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- (Gross Pay Rs. 38908/- p.m.)

Office Clerk - A

01 (OBC)

38 Years

PB-1 Rs.5,200-20,200 with Grade Pay of Rs.1900/- (Gross Pay Rs.17547/- p.m.)

Office Clerk - A

01 (ST)

40 Years

PB-1 Rs.5,200-20,200 with Grade Pay of Rs.1900/- (Gross Pay Rs.17547/- p.m.)

Qualification & Experience:

Stores Officer -> Graduate with 10 years' experience of which at least 5 years' experience in Supervisory capacity. Acquaintance with Government rules & regulations & familiarity with computers is essential. Preference will be given to a candidate who has knowledge of Central government rules and procedure relating to Purchase and Stores. Degree in Materials Management will be added advantage.

Assistant Stores Officer -> Graduate with 7 years' experience of which at least 3 years' experience in a Grade Equivalent to the next Lower Grade. Acquaintance with Government rules & regulations & familiarity with computers is essential. Preference will be given to a candidate who has knowledge of Central government rules and procedure relating to Purchase and Stores. Degree in Materials Management will be added advantage.

Office Clerk A -> S.S.C. (Matriculation) + 2 years relevant experience in reputed organizations. Proficiency in personal computer / Typing. Preference will be given to the candidates having ability to do routine correspondence in English independently. Knowledge of Central Govt. rules will be of added advantage.

Selection Process: Shortlisted candidates (on the basis of all criteria like age, educational qualifications, experience, etc) shall be called for Interview. In case the number of short listed candidates is large, a written test may be conducted to further prune the list of candidates before the interview.

How To Apply: Interested candidates are requested to apply online on or before 02/01/2015 till 5.00 pm. The hardcopy of Online application duly signed on A4 size paper along with the Registration number obtained while filling online application from with one recent passport size photograph duly affixed on the right hand top corner of the application along with copies of testimonials in support of Age, Qualification and Work Experience, etc. so as to reach "The Acting Chief Administrative Officer, Institute for Plasma Research, Near Indira Bridge, Bhat Village, Dist. Gandhinagar - 382 428, GUJARAT" on or before 10/1/2015. The envelope should be strictly super scribed with Advt. No. and Post Applied for.

For Enquiries -> Contact Email recraitment@ipr.res.in

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by | Last Updated on 2014-12-24T05:51:43Z