22 June 2014

Zilla Panchayat Bilaspur Recruitment 2014 Lecturers (289 Vacancies)

District Panchayat, Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh State) invites applications on the prescribed format for the Faculty (Teaching) post of Lecturer (Panchayat) for filling up total 289 Vacancies. Eligible Persons apply on or before 26th June 2014.

Name of Post

Total Vacancies

Scale of Pay

Lecturer (Panchayat)



Educational Qualifications: Master’s Degree with required Discipline. M.Phil or Ph.D may be preferred.

How To Apply: Eligible Persons apply on the prescribed format. Completed Application reach to Zilla Panchayat Bilaspur on or before 26/06/2014 up to 5:00 PM.

Detailed Notification Here>>

by | Last Updated on 2014-06-22T09:34:46Z