02 April 2014

ADA Bangalore Recruitment 2014 Project Engineers, Scientist / Engineer (13 Vacancies)

Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) Bangalore required Project Engineers (PE) on Contract Basis. Eligible Indian National candidates are required to Register Online Application form on or before 12th April 2014.

Advt Reference : ADA:ADM:EST:ADV-095 :2014

Post Code

Name of the Post

No of Posts


Project Engineers (PE-1)



Project Engineers (PE-2)



Project Engineers (PE-1)



Project Engineers (PE-1)



Project Engineers (PE-1)



Project Engineers (PE-1)



Project Engineers (PE-1)



Project Engineers (PE-2)


Educational Qualifications: Essential - Bachelor's degree in Engineering in Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Instrumentation / Computer / Computer Science / Computer Science & Engineering/ Electrical & Electronics/ Electrical / Information Technology/ Information Science only
Desirable - ME/ M.Tech/ or equivalent in required disciplines.

Age Limit: Not Exceed 56 Years as on 12/04/2014.

How To Apply: Eligible Candidates are required to Apply Online. The Online Registration end on 12/04/2014.

For Enquiries -> Contact admin-hr@jetmail.ada.gov.in

Detailed Advertisement, Apply Online Here>>

Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA - An Autonomous Body under Ministry of Defence, Govt of India) Bangalore invites applications for Scientists / Engineers in various disciplines of Engineering for Design, Development, Testing & Evaluation of various Systems / Sub-systems and Project Management from suitable Scientists and Technologists from Universities, Institutes of Technology, Research Institutions, Public Sector Undertakings and other non-Government bodies in India or abroad or Central (including serving officers of Defence Forces) or State Government Departments possessing the required qualifications and experience only.

Name of Post

No of Post

Scale of Pay

Scientist/Engineer 'G' (To be filled on the basis of direct recruitment / absorption)


Rs.37,400 - 67,000/- & Grade Pay Rs.10,000/- (PB-4)

Scientist/Engineer 'D'


Rs.15,600 - 39,100/- & Grade Pay Rs.7,600/- (PB-3)

Scientist/Engineer 'F'


Rs.37,400 - 67,000/- & Grade Pay Rs.8,900/- (PB-4)

Educational Qualifications:

Scientist/Engineer 'G' ->

(1) Essential - At least First class Bachelor's Degree in Engineering / Technology in Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineering only from a recognized University.
(2) Desirable - Master's degree in Engineering / Technology in the subject concerned.
(3) Minimum 15 years experience in the relevant field.

Scientist/Engineer 'D' ->

(1) At least First class Bachelor's Degree in Engineering / Technology in Computer Science / Computer Science & Engineering / Electronics / Electronics & Communication / Electronics & Electrical Engineering only from a recognized University.
(2) Minimum 7 years experience in relevant field.

Scientist/Engineer 'F' ->

(1) At least First class Bachelor's Degree in Engineering / Technology in Electrical / Electrical & Electronics Engineering only from a recognized University.
(2) Minimum 13 years experience relevant field.

How To Apply: Eligible Persons Apply Online on or before 07/04/2014 up to 09:00 Hours.

Detailed Information Here>>

Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) Bangalore requires Scientist/Engineers in various disciplines in the area of Design, Development, Testing & Evaluation of various Systems / Sub-systems and Project Management. Eligible Engineering Graduates Apply Online from 24th March 2014 and Online Registration end on 7th April 2014.

About: ADA is an Autonomous Organization under the Department of Defence Research & Development, Ministry of Defence (MOD), Government of India.

Name of Post

Scale of Pay

Post Qualification Experience

Scientist / Engineer “T”

PB-4 Rs.37,400 - 67,000/- & Grade Pay Rs.8,900/-

13 years in the relevant field

Scientist / Engineer "E”

PB-4 Rs.37,400 - 67,000/- & Grade Pay Rs.8,700/-

10 years in the relevant field

Scientist/ Engineer "D”

PB-3 Rs.15,600 - 39,100/- & Grade Pay Rs.7,600/-

7 years in the relevant field

Scientist / Engineer "C”

PB-3 Rs.15,600 - 39,100/- & Grade Pay Rs.6,600/-

3 years in the relevant field

Minimum Qualification: Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (in Relevant Field) in First Class from a recognized University.

How To Apply: Interested Engineering Candidates are required to fulfil required details (will be available from 24th March 2014). Online Registration of applications through ADA website (www.ada.gov.in) will be accepted from 09:00 Hrs on 24th March 2014 up to 09:00 Hrs on 7th April 2014.

ADA - www.indgovtjobs.in

Details & Apply Online Here>>

by | Last Updated on 2014-04-02T12:14:43Z