10 February 2014

TNFDC Recruitment 2014 Driver, Refrigeration Operator, Helper

TNFDC-Jobs-2014Tamil Nadu Fisheries Development Corporation Limited (TNFDC) Chennai requires Driver, Refrigeration Operator and Helper. Eligible Candidates apply on the prescribed format on or before 20th February 2014.

Name of the Post

No of Posts

Scale of Pay



Rs.5,200 - 20,200 + GP.2,400

Refrigeration Operator


Rs.5,200 - 20,200 + GP.1,800



Rs.4,800 - 10,000 + GP.1,400

Educational Qualifications:

Driver -> Must have passed 8th Standard. Must possess Public Service Badge valid in Tamil Nadu. Must possess a Light Duty Vehicle Driving Licence with experience for a period of not less than five years as a driver. Must have experience for a period of not less than one year in any Automobile Workshops in attending to minor repairs.''

Refrigeration Operator -> Should have passed 8th Std. and should possess a Trade Certificate in Electrician or Fitter or Mechanic or a Certificate in Refrigeration or Mechanic (Refrigeration and Air-conditioning) issued by the National Council for Training in Vocational Trade. Preference will be given to those who possess a certificate in Refrigeration.

Helper –> Should have passed 8th std. Should have the physical capacity for hard job.

Selection Process: Written Test and Interview. Skill test for drivers to be conducted.

Application Fee: Rs.50/- for SC and ST Category Candidates; Rs.100/- for General and OBC Candidates. The fee in the form of Demand Draft (DD) drawn in favour of M.D, TNFDC Ltd Chennai payable at Chennai.

How To Apply: Download prescribed Bio-Data form, the dully filled application form should be submitted alongwith the self attested copies of documents, one recent passport size photograph, (to be affixed on the form) and Demand Draft towards the fee, by post super-scribing the name of the post to "Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Fisheries Development Corporation Limited, 485, MTB Building, 6th Floor, Anna Salai, Nandanam, Chennai - 35." The last date for receipt of applications is 20/02/2014.

Details, Bio Data Form Here>>

by | Last Updated on 2014-02-10T12:31:57Z

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