07 February 2014

NIS Chennai Recruitment 2014 Director

The National Institute of Siddha (NIS), Chennai invites applications for selection of a suitable candidate for the post of Director on Deputation / Contract for a fixed tenure of 5 years or upto the date of retirement.

About: NIS, Chennai - Department of AYUSH, under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

Post Name

No of Post

Scale of Pay



Rs.37,400 - 67,000/- with Grade Pay of Rs.10,000/- + NPA and other usual allowances admissible as per Central Government Rules.

The Eligible and Interested persons may send their applications in the prescribed format through Proper channel so as to reach the undersigned by 02/04/2014.

Detailed Notification Here>>

by | Last Updated on 2014-02-07T09:20:45Z