26 November 2013

APSRTC Drivers Notification 2013 Recruitment of 123 Vacancies

Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) issued recruitment notification for engagement of Drivers on Contract Basis on a monthly consolidated Remuneration. APSRTC requires 123 vacancies - Apply on or before 10th December 2013.

Post Name

No of Posts

Age Limit

Pay Scale



22 to 35 Years as on 01/07/2013

Rs.7,180/- Per Month

Age Relaxation: 5 years for SC/ST/BC Candidates.

Qualification & Experience:

1. Must hold a valid LICENSE of Heavy Passenger Motor Vehicle (HPMV) & Heavy Goods Vehicle( HGV) or Heavy Transport Vehicle (HTV) for a period of not less than 18 months excluding the periods lost due to late renewals or License Suspension etc., if any, as on the date of selection.
2. Must be able to read and write a Regional Language (ie. TELUGU or URDU)
3. Must not be less than 160 CMs height.

Application Form:  The Application Forms will be on sale from 25/11/2013 to 10/12/2013 at all the Depots of the APSRTC: RANGAREDDY Region i.e., HYD-I, HYD-n,PKT/TDR,PRG/VKB and MGBS/HYD on all working days from 11.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs on payment of Rs.100/- for each application form.

The last date for submission of filled in applications by the candidates is 11/12/2013 up to 17.00 hrs.

Detailed Notification Here>>

apsrtc recruitment 2013-14Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) Warangal Region recruitment notification for engagement of Conductors / Drivers on Contract Basis. Eligible A.P. state candidates apply in the prescribed forms on or before 7th October 2013.

Name of the Post

No of Posts

Age Limit (as on 01/07/2013)

Consolidated Remuneration (Monthly)


105 (78 + 27 Wait list)

22 to 35 Years



88 (65 + 23 Wait list)

21 to 35 Years


Age Relaxation: Relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST/BC candidates. Ex-Servicemen candidates who are former members of defense services of Indian Union will be permitted to count the period for which they have held a military heavy duty vehicle licence towards the period. Also for such persons the age limit prescribed shall be relaxable upto 45 years.

Qualification & Eligibility:

Driver -

a) Holding valid licence for Driving HPMV and HGV or Transport Vehicle continuously lor a period of not less than 18 months as on the date of selection.
b) Must be able to read and write a regional language i.e., Telugu or Urdu.
c) Must not be less than 160 cms in height.

Conductor -

a) Must have passed SSC or an equivalent examination.
b) Must not be less than 153 cms in height.

Selection Process: Driver – Driving Test after verification of driving license, educational, caste certificates, height and age proof etc., by the Screening Committee. Conductor – Physical Test; The Male candidates securing the highest marks will be called for physical test in the ratio of 1:3 and Female candidates shall be called in the ratio of 1:5 against the total number of vacancies available.

Sale of Applications: Prescribed form of application set on sale from 19/09/2013 to 07/10/2013 at all the Depot Managers Offices in Warangal Region on all working days from 10.30 hours to 17.00 hours. All the candidates have to purchase the prescribed application forms at the specified Counters on Payment of Rs. 100/- each.

How To Apply: The completed applications will have to be submitted at the Depot Manager's Office, where the applications are purchased. The requisite fee for registration of application shall also be paid in cash at Depot Manager's Offices. The last date for receipt of application is 08/10/2013.

Detailed Notification for Driver>> Detailed Notification for Conductor>>

by | Last Updated on 2013-11-26T11:08:23Z