16 April 2013

NPCIL Recruitment April 2013 for Officer and Fireman

npcilNuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) A Government of India Enterprise, a premier public sector enterprise under the Department of Atomic Energy. NPCIL invites application for the following posts. Advertisement No. NAPS/HR/HRM/01/2013.

Name of the Post

No of Posts

Age Limit (As on 01/01/2013)

Pay Band + Grade Pay

Sub Officer B1


40 Years

PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 + GP Rs.4200/-

Leading Fireman A


32 Years

PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 + GP Rs.2400/-

Driver cum Pump Operator-cum-Fireman-A


32 Years

PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 + GP Rs.2400/-

How To Apply: Application (preferably type written) to be sent as per the format. Application duly completed in all respects should be sent to The Manager (HRM), Narora Atomic Power Station, Post NAPS Township, Narora, Distt. Bulandshahr-202389 (UP) so as to reach on or before 29.04.2013.

Further Details: http://npcil.nic.in/main/JobsRecent.aspx

by | Last Updated on 2013-04-16T14:29:01Z