18 April 2013

Northern Railway Recruitment 2013 Staff Nurse and Pharmacist

Indian RailwaysApplications are invited by Northern Railway, Moradabad Division for filling up of following Para Medical Category posts in Group C on contact basis up to 30.06.2013 (Contract period may extended for One year after 30.06.2013) or till the availability of regular candidates through RRB Whichever is earlier.

Post Name

No of Posts

Age Limit

Rate of Remuneration

Staff Nurse (Temp.)


20-40 Years




20-35 Years



Staff Nurse – Certificates as registered Nurse and Mid-Wife having passed 3 Years Course in General Nursing and Midwifery from a school of Nursing or other institution recognized by the Indian Nursing Council or BSC Nursing.

Pharmacist - 10+2 in Science or its equivalent with 2 years diploma in pharmacy and registration with pharmacy coucil of India or with state pharmacy council.

How To Apply: Application in the prescribed format. Completed application in all respects should be addressed to “The Divisional Personnel Officer, Northern Railway, Moradabad.” by ordinary post on or before 6th May 2013.

Interview will be held on 18/05/2013 (Saturday) at 10 Hrs at the Office Sr.Divl. Personnel Officer / N.Rly / Moradabad.

Further Detailed Info: http://www.nr.indianrailways.gov.in/nr/recruitment/1366110908531_Nurses_E.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2018-05-08T10:08:02Z