22 April 2013

MOIL Limited Jobs 2013 ERP Advisor

moil_logomovMOIL Limited (A Government of India Enterprise) a Miniratna Public Sector Enterprise under Ministry of Steel, Government of India and a multi locational, multi product and consistently profit making Mining Organization with around Rs.1000 crore turnover is in the process of implementing as suitable ERP in the Company.

Post Name

No of Post

Age Limit


ERP Advisor


Not more than 65 Years

CA / ICWA / Engineering Graduate from any recognized University or Institute of repute. PG Diploma in Management from recognized Institute or University will be an added advantage.

How To Apply: Application in the prescribed format. Completed application reach to “The DGM (Personnel), Recruitment Cell, MOIL Bhawan, 1A-Katol Road, Nagpur-440013.” on or before 29th April 2013.

Details: http://www.moil.nic.in/writereaddata/PDF/MOIL-ERP-Advisor.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2013-04-22T12:11:46Z