22 April 2013

Aligarh Muslim University Faculty Recruitment 2013

AMUAligarh Muslim University, Aligarh invites application from faculty positions (Professor/Principal, Associate  Professor and Assistant Professor). The  number and nature of the posts may vary at the time  of interview.  Higher  initial  start  may be  given  to  the  candidates possessing  exceptional  qualifications  and  experience.


Name of the Post

No of Vacancies

Pay Scale




Rs. 37400-67000  AGP  Rs.10000


Associate Professor


Rs. 37400-67000 AGP    Rs. 9000


Assistant Professor


Rs. 15600-39100  AGP   Rs. 6000


Lady Superintendent (Resident) in  Ahmadi School for the  Visually  Challenged


Rs. 9300-34800 GP Rs. 4200

How To Apply: Application in the prescribed format. Form from the Net are  required  to send a Cash receipt issued by the Cash Section, Finance  Office, AMU,  Aligarh  or Demand draft of Rs. 150/- payable  to  Finance Officer,  AMU,  Aligarh  at State Bank  of  India,  AMU  Branch, Aligarh  (code 5555) along with the duly filled employment form complete  in all respect. Complete application form procured  in  the  above  manner  may either be delivered  personally  at  the Reception  Counter  of  Administrative Block or  sent  by  post, super scribing on the top left of the cover the post applied for,  advertisement  number  and  date, to  the  Assistant  Registrar,  (Selection  Committee),  Aligarh  Muslim  University,   Aligarh-202002, so as to reach him by  09.05.2013.

Application Format:  http://www.amuregistrar.com/app_form.pdf

Details: http://amuregistrar.com/ads/3_2013.txt

by | Last Updated on 2013-04-22T10:46:31Z