CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI) is a premier Research Institution under Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (C.S.I.R.), New Delhi and is engaged in research and development in the field of Food Science and Food Technology.
Post Name | No of posts | Age Limit | Pay Scale |
SCIENTIST | 10 | 32 Years | Rs.15600-39100 Rs. 6600/- |
SENIOR SCIENTIST | 03 | 37 Years | Rs.15600-39100 Rs. 7600/- |
Application Fee: Rs.100/- is payable separately for each post (Candidates belonging to SC/ST community, Persons with Disabilities (PWD) and regular employees of CSIR are exempted from payment of application fee) in the form of Demand Draft valid for a period of atleast 3 months from the last date for receipt of applications. Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of the Director, CSIR-CFTRI payable at Mysore.
How To Apply: Application duly signed and completed in all respects with the following documents should reach the CONTROLLER OF ADMINISTRATION, CSIR-CENTRAL FOOD TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE, MYSORE- 570 020 in a closed cover super subscribing "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF_________________,POST CODE____________________, ADVT. No. REC 6/2013, on or before 24-04-2013.
Details: http://www.cftri.com/recruitsci.html
by Admin | Last Updated on 2013-03-17T14:23:13Z