Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre under Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India invites application for the recruitment of Stipendiary Trainees (Category I & Category II) in Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata. Advertisement No.VECC-1/2013.
S.No | Name of the Post | No of Vacancies |
1. | Stipendiary Trainee (Physics) | 09 |
2. | Stipendiary Trainee (Mechanical) | 01 |
3. | Stipendiary Trainee (Electronics / | 02 |
4. | Stipendiary Trainee (Computer) | 01 |
5 | Stipendiary Trainee (Civil) | 01 |
6. | Stipendiary Trainee (Plant Operator) | 05 |
7. | Stipendiary Trainee (Library) | 01 |
8. | Stipendiary Trainee (Engineering / Draughting) | 01 |
9. | Stipendiary Trainee (Fitter) | 10 |
10. | Stipendiary Trainee (Electronics) | 15 |
11. | Stipendiary Trainee (Electrical) | 03 |
12. | Stipendiary Trainee (Turner) | 02 |
13. | Stipendiary Trainee (Air Conditioning) | 03 |
14. | Stipendiary Trainee (Machinist) | 03 |
15. | Stipendiary Trainee (Mechanic – Motor Vehicle0 | 01 |
Age Limit: Category I Stipendiary Trainees – 19 to 24 Years as on 15/04/2013, Category II Stipendiary Trainees – 19 to 22Years as on 15/04/2013.
Stipend: Category I – Rs.00/- p.m. for 1st year. Yet to be finalized for 2nd year; Category II – Rs.6,200/- p.m. for 1st year, Rs.7,200/- p.m. for 2nd year.
How To Apply: Application in the prescribed format. Complete applications should be sent to the Assistant Personnel Officer (GA),Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Department of Atomic Energy, Sector – 1,
Block – AF, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata – 700 064 so as to reach him on or before 15.04.2013.
Detailed Information:
by Admin | Last Updated on 2013-02-26T14:03:01Z