Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force (ITBF) under Ministry of Home Affairs (Government of India) invites application from Indian citizens for the post of Assistant Commandant (Engineer).
Post Name | No of Posts | Age Limit | Pay Scale |
Assistant Commandant (Engineer) | 10 | 30 Years. | Rs.15600-39100 grade pay Rs.5400/- |
Educational Qualification: Degree in Civil Engineering from an Institution recognized by the Central or State Government.
Application Fee: All candidates belonging to General & OBC category should furnish a crossed Indian Postal Order or Bank Draft worth Rs. 50/- drawn in favour of Accounts Officer, Directorate General ITBP, New Delhi. No fee for SC/ ST candidates.
How To Apply: Application complete in all respect should reach to “The Senior Administrative Office (Pers) Directorate General, ITBPF, NHA/Govt. of India, Block-II, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003” on or before 15/03/2013 (For far-flung area candidates:30/03/2013). Cover containing application must be super scribed in block letters as “Application for the Post of Assistant Commandant (Engineer) in ITBP-2012”.
Detailed Information:
by Admin | Last Updated on 2013-02-21T12:10:13Z