30 December 2012

National Institute of Rural Development Hyderabad Recruitment 2012 of Project Officers and Accounts Manager

NIRDNational Institute of Rural Development (NIRD) Hyderabad is a premier Institute providing training, research and consultancy activities in the field of rural development. NIRD needs dynamic, qualified and experienced persons  for the following positions  on  contract basis.

Name of the Post

No of Posts

Age Limit


Qualification & Experience

 Project Officers


Below 35 years

Rs.30,000/- P.M.

Post graduate in Social science/ Management studies with 5 years  experience in Project management. Knowledge of computer and good communication skill in English & Hindi is desirable.

Accounts Manager Projects


Below 35 years

Rs.30,000/- P.M.

M.Com/ MBA in finance with 5 years experience
as Accounts officers or Audit officers or Officials with experience. Knowledge of  computer and good communication skill in English & Hindi is desirable.

How To Apply: Interested candidates may submit their application in the prescribed application form at Annexure along with copy of their Bio-data, recent passport size photograph and credentials to Project Director, SGSY-SP, National Institute of Rural Development, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad  – 500030 or they can mail their CV through email:  sgsyspnnird2@gmail.com. The Last date of submission of application  –  07.01.2013 (4.00 PM IST).

Detailed Document: http://nird.org.in/NIRD_Docs/job191212.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-12-30T13:15:26Z