09 December 2012

Income Tax Department Andhra Pradesh Recruitment 2012

income taxIncome Tax Department Andhra Pradesh (Government of India) recruitment of Meritorious Sports Person invites applications for recruitment of meritorious sports persons in different games/ sports.


Name of the Post

No of Vacancies

Pay Scale


Income-tax Inspectors


PB-II Rs.9,300 -34,800 + Grade Pay 4,600


Stenographers Gr.II


PB-I Rs.5200 – 20,200 + Grade Pay 2,400


Tax Assistants


PB-I Rs.5200 – 20,200 + Grade Pay 2,400


Multi Tasking Staff


PB-I Rs.5200 – 20,200 + Grade Pay 1,800

How To Apply: The application form duly filled in all respects should be submitted in a closed cover superscribed with the words “Application for recruitment of meritorious sports persons in Income-tax Department” and addressed to the Dy. Commissioner of Income-tax (H.Qrs)(Admn), O/o the CCIT, Hyderabad-I,Room No.1047, 10th Floor, ‘D’ Block, Income-tax Towers, AC Guards, Hyderabad - 500004. The applications may be sent either by post or in person so as to reach the above address by 23-01-2013 (5.45 PM). The applications received after the last date will not be entertained.

Application Format: http://www.incometaxindia.gov.in/archive/ApplicationForm_SportsPerson_Hyderabad_05122012.pdf

Detailed Information: http://www.incometaxindia.gov.in/archive/BreakingNews_SportsPerson_Hyderabad_05122012.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-12-09T14:00:19Z