21 November 2012

Punjab & Sind Bank Recruitment November 2012 Faculty, Assistant and Watchman

Punjab and Sind BankPunjab and Sind Bank (PSB) Trust for Development of Agriculture & Rural Employment (PSB Trust for DARE) invites application for the following posts on Contractual basis for Rural Self Employment & Training Institutes (RSETIs) at Faridkot, Moga & Ludhiana.


Name of the Post

No of Vacancies





Office Assistant



Attender / Watchman


Age Limit: Candidate should have not exceeding 45 years for Faculty post, 21 years for Office Assistant post and 18 years for Attender/ Watchman post.

Educational Qualification: Candidate must possess matriculation for Attender/ Watchman post, Graduate with Computer Knowledge for Office Assistant post and Post Graduate in any discipline having Computer Knowledge for Faculty post.

How To Apply: Application in the prescribed format. Completed application affix passport size photograph on it with super scribing- “Application for the post of ___ for Rural Self Employment & Training Institute (RSETI)” and sent to the ..,For Faridkot & Moga:  The Zonal Manager, Punjab & Sind Bank, 20. Red Cross Bhawan, Sadiq Chowk, Faridkot, Punjab-151203. For Ludhiana: The Zonal Manager, Punjab & Sind Bank, Zonal Office: Bhai Bala Chowk, Noble Enclave, Ludhiana, Punjab. on or before 03-12-2012.

Details: https://www.psbindia.com/recuitment.php

by | Last Updated on 2018-05-08T10:11:49Z