20 November 2012

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) Recruitment November 2012 Medical Discipline and Technical Discipline

HALHindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), a Navratna Central Public Sector Undertaking, is a premier Aeronautical Industry of South East Asia, with 20 Production/Overhaul/Service Divisions and 10 co-located R&D Centers spread across the Country. Applications are invited from eligible candidates in the prescribed proforma fulfilling the requirement for following posts in Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, for its Divisions at Koraput.


Name of the Post

No of Vacancies



Medical Superintendent /Sr. Medical Officer in various Discipline


MBBS + PG Degree/ PG Diploma
in relevant Disciplines.


Deputy Manager in various Discipline


Degree in Engineering in relevant

Application Fee: The application should be accompanied by a crossed Demand Draft (DD) of Rs. 400/-, which is non-refundable, drawn in favour of “Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Koraput Division” payable
at State Bank of India, Sunabeda-2, Code No. 1304 only. No other mode of payment will be accepted. Application fee is exempted in the case of SC/ST/Person With Disability-PWD candidates. The Demand Draft should have been obtained between 01.11.2012 to 30.11.2012.

How To Apply: Eligible candidates may forward their applications in the prescribed format along with attested photocopies of all the certificates to  The Sr. Manager  (HR-TM/PM), Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Koraput Division, Sunabeda -763 002, Dist: Koraput, Odisha, by Speed post / Registered Post, so as to reach on or before 30.11.2012.

Details: http://hal-india.com/Careers/kpt/DM%20Adv%20t%202012-13_30-11-12/DM%20Adv%20t%202012-13_30-11-12.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2018-05-08T10:11:47Z