16 November 2012

BHEL Bhopal Trade Apprentice Recruitment 2012 (Total 580 Vacancies)

bhelBharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) Bhopal (A Government of India Undertaking) invites online application for the post of  Trade Apprentices in various Trades.

Name of the Post

No of Posts

Trade Apprentice


Trade Wise Vacancies: Electrician - 135, Fitter - 167, Machinist - 93 , Welder (GAS & Electric) - 58 , Turner - 45 , Computer - 33 , Draftsman (Mechanic) - 13 , Electronic Mechnic - 05 , Motor Vehicle Mechnic - 15, Grinder Machinist - 09 , Mason - 01, Painter –06.

How To Apply: Candidates are required to apply online on or before 15.12.2012.  Last Date for sending Applications by post: 31.12.2012.

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by | Last Updated on 2012-11-16T07:21:57Z