Central Bank of India (a leading Public Sector Bank) recruitment of Incharges for RSETIs (Rural Self Employment Training Institutes) and FLCCs (Financial Literacy cum Counseling Centres) on Contract basis-2012-13 in CBI, Bhopal Zonal Office.
Post Name | Age Limit | Emoluments | Qualification |
Director RSETI and In-charge of FLCC | 65 Years | Rs. 25,000/- per month | Graduate/ Post Graduate degree from a UGC recognized University. |
How To Apply: Eligible candidates have to submit their applications in the prescribed format. Address the application, Superscribing “Application for the post of Recruitment as Incharge of RSETI/FLCC on contract” to “Zonal Manager, Central Bank of India, Zonal Office, 9, Arera Hills, BHOPAL (MP).” Last date for receipt of application is 15.10.2012.
Detailed Info: https://www.centralbankofindia.co.in/upload/RSETI-FLCC%20-%20Annexure-IIbpl.doc
by Admin | Last Updated on 2012-10-02T08:50:04Z