04 September 2012

The Tamilnadu Industrial Investment Corporation Limited (TIIC) Chennai Jobs 2012 Senior Officer

TIICThe Tamilnadu Industrial Investment Corporation Limited (TIIC) Chennai invites application for the post of Senior Officer (Previously called Officer (Finance).

Post Name

Age Limit



Senior Officer

Maximum 28 years as on 01.07.2011 for open competition.


Rs.15,600 – 39,100 + Grade
Pay of Rs.5,400 with usual allowances admissible as per the rules of the Corporation.

Experience: Minimum of one-year experience as on 01.07.2011 after completing CA in other fields like Banking, Industry or Reputed Firms of Chartered Accountants or in a National or State Level Financial Institution.

How To Apply: Completed applications together with copies of testimonials towards proof for the same to be sent on or before 14.09.2012 to “The Chairman & Managing Director,  The TIIC Limited,  692, Anna Salai, Nandanam,  Chennai – 600035.”

Details: http://www.tiic.in/TIIC-APPLICATION-FORM-SENIOR-OFFICER.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-09-04T14:11:56Z