05 September 2012

Damodar Valley Corporation Kolkata Vacancies 2012 Executives and Engineering Assistants

DVCDamodar Valley Corporation (DVC) HRD Department invites Online applications are invited in the prescribed format from the intending DVC regular Group B employees for induction in Executive Cadre (for direct entry into M-1 / M-2 Grade).


Post Name

No of Posts



Executives (Accounts/Finance )- M-1/M-2


CA / ICWA / MBA Degree in Finance or PG Diploma / Degree (at least two years full time)  in Finance and Accounts Stream and  approved  from  AICTE University/ Institution.


Engineering Assistant /Foreman Gr.-I / Assistant Engineer(Mech)- M-1/M-2


BE / B.Tech / B.Sc. Engineering (Fulltime) / AMIE in respective Engineering Stream and approved from AICTE University/ Institution.


Engineering Assistant /Foreman Gr.-I / Assistant Engineer (Elec)- M-1/M-2


BE / B.Tech / B.Sc. Engineering (Fulltime) / AMIE in respective Engineering  Stream and approved from AICTE University/ Institution.


Engineering Assistant /Foreman Gr.-I / Assistant Engineer (C&I) -M-1/M-2


BE/B.Tech/B.Sc.Engineering (Fulltime) / AMIE in respective Engineering Stream
and  approved  from  AICTE University / Institution.


Engineering Assistant / Assistant  Engineer (Civil)- M-1/M-2


BE / B.Tech / B.Sc. Engineering (Fulltime) / AMIE in respective Engineering  Stream  and approved from AICTE University/ Institution.


Foreman Gr.-I / Assistant Engineer (Commn.)- M-1/M-2


BE / B.Tech / B.Sc. Engineering (Fulltime) / AMIE in respective Engineering  Stream  and approved from AICTE University/ Institution.


Administrative  Officer (HR)/ Assistant Manager (HR)-M-1/M-2


MBA Degree in HR or Masters Degree / Post Graduate Degree/ Diploma (at least two years full time) in Personnel Management &  Industrial  Relations  and
equivalent from University /Institution approved by AICTE.

Professional Qualifications: BE / B.Tech / B.Sc. Engineering(Fulltime) / AMIE in respective Engineering Stream, CA / ICWA / MBA Degree in Finance or PG Diploma / Degree (at least two year full time)  in Finance and Accounts Stream and  MBA Degree in HR or Masters Degree/Post Graduate Degree/Diploma (at least two years full time) in Personnel Management & Industrial Relations and equivalent  from University / Institution approved by AICTE.

Upper Age Limit: No Age Bar.

Compensation Package: Selected candidates will be placed in the M1 / M2 Grade (Rs.15, 600-39,100 in Pay Band 3 with Grade Pay of Rs.5400/- & 5650/- respectively) as the case may be. Besides Basic Pay & G.P., candidates will also be paid other admissible allowances and benefits as admissible as per Corporation Rules in force from time to time.

How To Apply: Candidates should apply through DVC’s Online Registration System only. The Online Registration will be available on the website http://www.dvc.gov.in/HRD_APPL_DEPTCANDIDATE/ and will remain activated from 13.00 hrs of 04.09.2012 to 24.00 hrs of 25.09.2012.

Detailed Advertisement: http://www.dvcindia.org//0_DetailsDepartmentalAdvert_M1_M2.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-09-05T14:21:44Z