03 September 2012

Board of Apprenticeship Training Southern Region Chennai Jobs 2012 Administrative Cum Accounts Officer

boatsrApplication in the prescribed format is invited upto 12th October, 2012 for the post of Administrative-Cum-Accounts Officer (Reserved for OBC) in Board of Apprenticeship Training (Southern Region), Chennai.

Post Name

No of Post

Age Limit


Administrative Cum Accounts Officer (AAOs)


48 years including 3 years age relaxation for the OBC Candidates.

PB-3 Rs.15,600-39,100 with Grade Pay of Rs.5,400/- plus allowances applicable to Central Government employees stationed in Chennai.

Essential Qualification: At least a second class Bachelor's Degree in Arts, Science or Commerce. A Pass in CA, ICWA or SAS Exam of the India Audit & Accounts. At least 5 years experience in a responsible supervisory post in a Govt. Deptt / Autonomous Organizations.

Application Fee: Rs.8/- (Eight Rupee) drawn by Demand Draft ONLY in favour of The Director, Board of Apprenticeship Training (SR), Chennai payable at Chennai, is to be enclosed along with the application format.

How To Apply: The application along with the copies of attested relevant certificates and proof for experience should reach on or before 12th October, 2012 to Director, Board of Apprenticeship Training (Southern Region), 4th Cross Road, C I T Campus, Taramani, Chennai – 600 113.

Details: http://www.boatsr-apprentice.tn.nic.in/News.htm

by | Last Updated on 2012-09-03T13:47:33Z