18 August 2012

National Insurance Company Limited Jobs 2012 Hindi Translators

National InsuranceNational Insurance Company Limited (A Government of India Undertaking) recruitment of Hindi Translators in the cadre of Assistant. Advertisement No: HO/Pers.MPL Deptt./Hindi Translator-2012. Company has decided to undertake recruitment of a few Hindi Translators for its various ROs situated at different cities in the Country. The new recruits would be placed in the Cadre of Assistant.

Name of the Post

No of Posts

Age Limit

Pay Scale & Other Benefits

Hindi Translators


Between 18 years and 28 years with relaxation upto 33 years in case of SC/ST candidates as on 31/12/2011

Rs.7640-440(1)-8080-480(2)-9040-540(5)-11740-625(2)-12990-760(3)-15270-790(2)-16850-840(5)-21050 plus such other allowances as may be permissible under the Rules in force of the Company from time to time.

Minimum Qualification: The applicant must be a Graduate in Hindi with English as one of the compulsory Elective Subjects from any of the Universities in India duly recognized by UGC. (OR) H.S.C. with 60% passing marks with Hindi and English as compulsory subjects.

Eligible candidates are required to application in prescribed format. Last date of application is 14th September 2012.

Details: http://www.nationalinsuranceindia.com/nicWeb/nic/downloads/Hindi%20Translator.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-08-18T14:10:13Z