28 July 2012

Sugarcane Breeding Institute Coimbatore Recruitment 2012 of SRF (02 Posts)

sugar caneSugarcane Breeding Institute Coimbatore (Under Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)) under the scheme entitled “Delineation of Sugarcane Soils for micronutrients status and screening sugarcane varieties for tolerance to iron and zinc deficiency” by Walk-in-Interview at Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore-7 (Tamilnadu).

Name of the Post

No of Posts

Age Limit


Senior Research Fellowship (SRF)


35 Years for Men & 40 Years for Women.

Rs.12000/- + 20% HRA per month for first and second year.
Rs.14000/- + 20% HRA per month for third and fourth year.

Essential Qualifications: M.Sc. (Ag.) in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry / M.Sc. in Chemistry or related subjects. M.Sc(Ag) in Agronomy or M.Sc in related subjects.

Desirable Qualifications: Experience in soil, plant sampling and analysis, analysis of micronutrients, conducting field experiments & experience in Sugarcane.

Walk-in-Interview at Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore-7 (Tamilnadu) on 22.08.2012 at 9.00 a.m.

Details: http://www.sugarcane.res.in/images/sbi/announcements/srf_22_08_2012.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-07-28T14:16:07Z