16 July 2012

Parliament of India Jobs 2012 Parliamentary Interpreter and Hindi Assistant

Parliament of India (Joint Recruitment Cell) invites application from eligible Indian citizens to fill up the vacancies for the following posts in Lok Sabha Secretariat. Advertisement No.04/2012.


Name of the Post

No of Posts

Age Limit

Pay Scale


Parliamentary Interpreter Grade-II


35 years

Rs. 15600-39100 (PB-3)+Grade Pay: Rs. 5400/-


Hindi Assistant


27 years

Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2)+Grade Pay:Rs. 4600/-

How To Apply: Applicants must fill up all the columns of application form properly. Applications complete in all respects should be sent to: “THE JOINT RECRUITMENT CELL, ROOM NO.521, PARLIAMENT HOUSE ANNEXE,  NEW DELHI-110001.” The last date for receipt of applications is 27.08.2012.

Detailed Information:

by | Last Updated on 2012-07-16T08:22:45Z