05 July 2012

NTPC Limited Recruitment 2012 General Duty Medical Officers (21 Positions)

NTPCNTPC Limited (A Government of India Enterprise) is looking for the post of General Duty Medical Officers (GDMO) for its Project Hospitals. NTPC Limited is the largest utility in the country with an installed capacity of 39,174 MW through its 16 coal based, 7 gas / liquid fuel and 7 joint venture power stations.

Name of the Post

No of Posts

Age Limit

Pay Scale

General Duty Medical Officers (E2 Level)

21 (UR-12, OBC-05, SC-03, ST-01)

37 Years

E2: Rs.24900-50500/-

Qualification: MBBS from recognized University / Institution.

Experience: Minimum 2 Years experience / practice after MBBS (Internship training shall not be counted as experience).

Application Fee: Rs.300/-. No fee for SC/ST/PWD Candidates.

How To Apply: Candidates are required to apply online from 03/07/2012 to 23rd July 2012.

Detailed Advertisement: http://open.ntpccareers.net/generalinfo.php

by | Last Updated on 2012-07-05T06:34:18Z