24 July 2012

National Brain Research Centre Jobs 2012 Research Assistant

NBRCNational Brain Research Centre  (NBRI), Manesar-122 050, Gurgaon, requires “Research Assistant” funded by Theoretical and Computational Grant. Research project entitled “Neural pathways in emotional processing of music”. The tenure will be for a period of 1 year or till the project lasts, whichever is earlier  and extendable on  performance  review. The post is co-terminus with the project. Selected candidate should abide by the rules and regulations of NBRC.

Post Name


Essential Qualification

Research Assistant

Rs.8,000/- p.m. (consolidated)

Graduate degree with Mathematics and Physics with knowledge of web development and design.

How To Apply: Eligible candidates may appear for a walk-in-interview at National Brain Research Centre, Nainwal More, Near NSG Campus, NH-8, Manesar-122 050, between 10 A.M. - 12 P.M. on  30th July  2012  (Monday),  along with  their CV and all the required certificates in original and with a set of attested copies of such certificate / documents in support of their qualifications  and experience, to be verified before  11:30 A.M. Regarding selection, the decision of the competent authority of NBRC will be final and binding.

Details: http://www.nbrc.ac.in/admin/careers/nb27.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-07-24T08:36:39Z