Maharashtra Small Scale Industries Development Corporation Limited (MSSIDC) Mumbai invites applications for (1)Company Secretary (2)Warehousing Officer(3)Agency /individual to train our staff in drafting in English communication (4) Agency/individual to train our staff in computers.
S.No | Name of the Post |
1. | Company Secretary |
2. | Warehousing Officer |
3. | Agency /individual to train our staff in drafting in English communication |
4. | Agency/individual to train our staff in computers |
Educational Qualification: The candidate must be a graduate. He/She must have registered membership of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India. Preference will be given to the candidates having degree in law & having prior experience of working as Company Secretary. Basic proficiency in computers is necessary (MS office, word,excel, power point etc.
Pay Scales: Experience of morethan 10 years Rs.12000-375-16500. Experience upto 5 to 10 years Rs.10000-375-15200. Experience upto 5 years Rs.8000-275-13500. Experience upto 2 years or no experience Rs.6500-200-10500.
The candidate should submit the application in the prescribed format along with certified copies of the certificates on or before 10.08.2012.
Detailed Info:
by Admin | Last Updated on 2012-07-29T14:22:16Z