Mazagon Dock Limited Mumbai (A Government of India Undertaking) is India's leading Shipbuilding Company with ISO 9001:2008 accreditation. Advertisement REF. NO. MDL/ HR-O/ REC/ 20/ 2012. Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the following posts in the Industrial Dearness Allowance (IDA).
S.No | Name of the Post | No of Posts | Age Limit | Pay Scale | PQ Experience (As on 22/08/2012) |
1. | Chief Manager | 21 | 44 Years | E-5 Rs.32900-58000/- | 11 Years |
2. | Manager | 02 | 40 Years | E-4 Rs.29100-54500/- | 08 Years |
3. | Deputy Manager | 03 | 36 Years | E-3 Rs.24900-50500/- | 05 Years |
4. | Assistant Manager | 38 | 32 Years | E-2 Rs.20600-46500/- | 03 Years |
5. | Senior Manager | 08 | 28 Years | E-1 Rs.16400-40500/- | 01 Years |
6. | Senior Engineer (Ex-Navy) | 12 | 28 Years | E-1 Rs.16400-40500/- | 12 Years |
How To Apply: Eligible candidates shall apply through online registration system by logging on to MDL website from 23.07.2012 to 22.08.2012.
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by Admin | Last Updated on 2012-07-20T08:20:34Z