Madras Sappers Association, HQ Madras Engineer Group and Centre, Bangalore invites applications for the following posts from citizens of India, who are fulfilling the requisite qualifications/specifications on prescribed format as a Defence Civilian Employee.
S.No | Name of the Post | No of Vacancies | Pay Scale |
1. | Lower Division Clerk (LDC) | 02 | PB-1 – Rs 5200-20200/- GP - Rs 1900/- |
2. | Store Keeper - III | 02 | PB-1 – Rs 5200-20200/- GP - Rs 1900/- |
3. | Civilian Trade Instructor (CTI) | 33 in various trades | PB-1 – Rs 5200-20200/- GP - Rs 1900/- |
4. | Multi-Task-Staff | 33 in various trades | PB-1 – Rs 5200-20200/- GP - Rs 1800/- |
How To Apply: Applications complete in all respect along with all the requisite documents and all documents duly attested by a Gazetted Officer, should be addressed to Civilian Establishment Officer, Civilian Recruitment Cell, HQ MEG & Centre, Sivan Chetty Garden Post, Bangalore – 560042. The last date for receipt of application is 31st August 2012 at 5 PM.
Detailed Information:
by Admin | Last Updated on 2012-07-30T09:35:14Z