12 July 2012

FCI Aravali Gypsum and Minerals India Limited (FAGMIL) Recruitment 2012 of Personnel

fagmilFCI Aravali Gypsum and Minerals India Limited (FAGMIL) a Government of India Undertaking, Miniratna-II Company invites application for the engagement of Personnel on Contract Basis. The eligible candidates are required to send their application for the posts on contract basis at FAGMIL, Jodhpur Office.

Name of the Post

Basic Qualification



M.Sc. (Geology).

Minimum 01 year relevant working experience as Geologist after obtaining M.Sc (Geology) degree in various minerals of economic importance like Gypsum,  lime stone, rock phosphate, quartz feldspar, potash, soap stone & magnesite.

Assistant Project Engineer

B.E with MBA in Finance.

Minimum 01 year working relevant working experience in IT and Finance after obtaining B.E degree.

Remuneration: Rs.  16,000/- per month consolidated. No other allowances are admissible.

Age Limit: 25 years, as on 01-07-2012.

How To Apply: Applications (Prescribed format) should reach the office of General Manager, FCI ARAVALI GYPSUM AND MINERALS INDIA LIMITE, MANGU SINGH RAJVI MARG, PAOTA, JODHPUR (RAJASTHAN). The last date for receipt of application is 31-07-2012.

Detailed Information: http://www.fagmil.nic.in/Office%20Asstt%20Hindi%20Eng-web.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-07-12T14:06:04Z