21 June 2012

BEL Bangalore Recruitment 2012 Electronics and Mechanical Engineers

BELBharat Electronics Limited (BEL), A Government of India Enterprise under the Ministry of Defence, India’s premier Navaratna Defence Electronics Company requires Electronics & Mechanical Engineers on contract basis for a period of One Year, for its Naval Systems SBU at Bangalore Unit.

Name of the Post

Age Limit



Electronics & Mechanical Engineers

Less than 25 Years as on 01.06.2012

An all-inclusive consolidated remuneration of Rs. 12,000/- per

First class in BE/ B.Tech  (Electronics / Electronics & Communication, Electronics & Telecommunication/ Mechanical.) from a recognized University / institution.

Experience: Preference will be given to those  with one year experience in the similar area preferably in Engineering  Industry .Candidates who have undergone One year Apprenticeship training will be preferred.

How To Apply: Apply in the prescribed format and mail the filled in application to hrns@bel.co.in on or before 30.06.2012.

Details: http://www.bel-india.com/images/itm-pdfs/19-June-2012-Naval-systems-CE.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-06-21T14:11:45Z