The Director, Central Institute of Post Harvest Engineering and Technology, Ludhiana invites applications for the following post from the eligible candidates at Central Institute of Post Harvest Engineering and Technology (CIPHET), Ludhiana under the administrative control of ICAR. The posts are of permanent nature and at present are to be filled on temporary basis.
S.No | Name of the Post | No of post | Age Limit | Pay Band + Grade Pay |
1. | T-6 Workshop (Agricultural Engineering) | 01 | 18 to 35 Years | PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- |
2. | Personal Assistant | 01 | 18 to 27 Years | PB-2 Rs. 9300-34800-Grade Pay of Rs.4200/- |
How To Apply: The applications compete in all respects should reach the DIRECTOR, CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST HARVEST ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, P.O. PAU, LUDIIIANA -141004 (PUNJAB) along with an application fee (non-refundable) of Rs. 500 fee in the shape of crossed DD drawn in favour of "ICAR Unit CIPIIET" payable at SBI, PAU, Ludhiana. (Woman candidates and candidates belongs to SC/ST category are exempted from payment of application fee. Persons with disabilities are also exempted from payment of fee subject to submission of prescribed medical certificate). The last date for receipt of application is 19th May 2012.
by Admin | Last Updated on 2012-05-15T11:50:31Z