17 April 2012

Kalyani University Recruitment 2012 Faculty Positions

kalyani universityUniversity of Kalyani, Nadia invites applications in eight copies (one in prescribed form along with seven photo-copies) from the eligible Indian citizens for the post of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor.


Name of the Post

Age Limit

Pay Scale



50 years

Rs. 37,400 - 67,000 with AGP Rs. 10,000


Associate Professor

45 years

Rs. 37,400 - 67,000 with AGP Rs. 9,000


Assistant Professor

37 years

Rs. 15,600 – 39,100 with AGP Rs. 6,000

Application Fee: Rs.500.00 (for Professor),  Rs. 400.00 (for Associate Professor) and Rs. 300.00 (for Asstt. Professor). The application fees is to be deposited along with the filled up downloaded application form by Account Payee Bank Draft of any nationalized Bank in favour of “UNIVERSITY OF KALYANI” payable at Kalyani. An application fee of US $ 50 shall accompany downloaded Application Forms submitted directly from foreign countries.

How to Apply: Application in the prescribed format. Completed application reach to the Registrar’s Department of the University on or before 04.05.2012.Candidates are requested to super-scribe the words “Application for the post of  Assistant Professor”.

Details: http://www.klyuniv.ac.in/upload/1334315605_advtteacher13042012.html

by | Last Updated on 2012-04-17T08:21:40Z