Airports Authority of India (AAI) Chennai (A Category-1 Mini Ratna Public Sector Enterprise) invites application for the post of Junior Assistant, Assistant and Senior Assistants. Applications are invited from the candidates, who are Domicile of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Pondicherry and Lakshadweep Island for the following posts at various airports in the above states in Southern Region.
S.No | Name of the post | No of posts | Age Limit | Pay Scale |
1. | Junior Assistant (Fire Service)-NE-4 | 250 | 30 Years | Rs.12500-28500/- |
2. | Assistant (Office)-NE-5 | 15 | 30 Years | Rs.13400-30500/- |
3. | Senior Assistant (Statistics)-NE-6 | 01 | 30 Years | Rs.14500-33500/- |
4. | Senior Assistant (OL-Hindi)-NE-6 | 05 | 30 Years | Rs.14500-33500/- |
5. | Senior Assistant (Nursing) -NE-6 | 01 | 35 Years | Rs.14500-33500/- |
How To Apply: Candidates may submit their application on plain paper (separately for each post along with attested copy of relevant certificates) in Hindi / English in the following format addressed to THE REGIONAL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Airports Authority of India, Southern Region, Chennai – 600 027 (the envelope should be super-scripted by “Application for the post of _________ ) along with a Demand
Draft for Rs.100/- [non-refundable] drawn in favour of Airports Authority of India, payable at Chennai so as to reach on or before 15/05/2012.
Detailed Information and Application Format:
by Admin | Last Updated on 2012-04-11T08:04:11Z