11 March 2012

University of Agricultural Sciences Bangalore Recruitment 2012 for Faculty positions

UASUniversity of Agricultural Sciences Bangalore invites application in the prescribed format from the eligible candidates for filling up of the following Backlog teaching posts in the UAS.


Name of the Post

No of Posts

Scale of Pay




Rs. 37400-67000+10000 AGP


Associate Professor


Rs. 37400-67000+9000 AGP


Assistant Professor


Rs. 15600-39100+6000 AGP

Application Fee: For Professor & Associate Professor Cadre Rs.200/- and for Assistant Professor Cadre posts Rs: 150/-. A Xerox  copy of the Caste Certificate issued by the competent authority should be produced along with the Bank Demand Draft.

How To Apply:  Application in the prescribed format. Filled in applications together with allied enclosures should be submitted in an envelope, superscribing on it, “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF _______________” to THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, GKVK, BANGALORE – 560 065 on or before 30-3-2012. The filled in applications must accompany the prescribed fee in the form of Bank Demand Draft in favour of the Comptroller, UAS, Bangalore.

Detailed Info: http://www.uasbangalore.edu.in/attachments/Notification%20of%20Backlog%20Teaching%20Posts.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-03-11T14:09:09Z