26 March 2012

Income Tax Kolkata Recruitment 2012 Tax Assistants, Notice Servers and Multi Tasking Staff

Office of the Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Kolkata (Government of India) Recruitment of sportspersons to the posts of Tax Assistants, Notice Servers and Multi Tasking Staff in the Office of the Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, West Bengal Region.


Name of the Post

No of Posts

Age Limit (As on 31/03/2012)

Pay Scale


Tax Assistant


18-27 Years

Degree of a recognized University or equivalent. Having Data Entry Speed of 8000 key depression per hour.


Notice Server


18-27 Years

Matriculation or equivalent.


Multi Tasking Staff


18-25 Years

Matriculation or equivalent.

How To Apply: Applications must be in the prescribed format. Completed application addressed to the Additional Commissioner of Income Tax (Hqrs. Personnel), Room No.14, Aaakar Bhawan, P-7, Chowringhee Square, Kolkata-700069 by post / by hand so as to reach the office of the undersigned on or before 30/04/2012 (upto 6 PM). The envelop containing the application shall also be superscribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF TAX ASSISTANT / NOTICE SERVER / MULTI TASKING STAFF UNDER MERITORIOUS SPORTS PERSONS” QUOTA.

Detailed Info & Application Form: http://www.incometaxindia.gov.in/archive/BreakingNews_AppointmentSports_23032012.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-03-26T13:20:28Z