22 February 2012

National Insurance Company Limited (NIC) Recruitment 2012 Administrative Officers (345 Vacancies)

National InsuranceNational Insurance Company Limited  (A Government of India Undertaking) a Public Sector General Insurance Company with its  16000 skilled personnel renders Best-in-Class services to more than 20 million Customers through its 1325 offices in India and Nepal. NIC invites On-line applications from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment in the cadre of Administrative Officer Scale I.


Name of the Post

No of Vacancies


Administrative Officers (Specialist)

145 (Engineering – 50, Health – 30, Finance – 25, Actuarial – 5, Legal – 20, Investigator - 15)


Administrative Officers (Generalist)


Age Limit: 21 to 30 Years, Relaxation as per rules.

Emoluments: Rs.17,240/-  in the scale of Rs.17,240-840(14)-29,000-910(4)-32640 and other admissible allowance as applicable.

Application Fee: Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PWD Candidates. Rs.400/- for All Male candidates other than SC/ST/PWD, Rs.200/- for All Female candidates other than SC/ST/PWD. (Plus Rs.25/- for Service charge for Bank)

How To Apply: Candidates are required to apply online through http://www.examinationonline.in/nicl/on or before 17th March 2012. The date of written examination is 22nd April 2012.

Detailed Information: Click Here

by | Last Updated on 2012-02-22T13:07:22Z