19 January 2012

Engineering Projects India Limited (EPIL) Jobs 2012 Executive Director, GGM and GM

EPLEngineering Projects India Limited (EPIL- A Government of India Enterprise), a Mini Ratna Public Sector Enterprise under the aegis of Department of Heavy Industry with turnover of more than Rs.1200 crores engaged  in execution of wide  range of multi-faced projects on  turnkey basis  in Power, Steel,  Industrial, Civil & Infrastructure sectors require suitable persons to be appointed on regular basis for the following posts.

Post Name

No of Posts

Age Limit

Scale of Pay (PM)

Minimum Experience

Executive Director


55 Years


Minimum 22 years post   qualification executive
experience with minimum  5  years in next below grade in  the scale of 43200-66000/-  (IDA) or in equivalent CDA scale in PSU/Govt. Organization.

GGM (Civil)


53 Years


Minimum 20 years post qualification executive experience with minimum  2  year  in  a  next  below grade in PSU/Govt. Organisation



50 Years


Minimum 18 years post qualification executive experience with minimum 2  years  in  a  next  below grade  in PSU/Govt. Organisation.

How To Apply: Application in the prescribed format. Completed application,  together with a recent passport size photograph and attested copies of certificates and  testimonials (documentary proof of experience is a must) and  a  non-refundable demand draft of Rs.  250/-  (SC/ST  and PH  candidates exempted)  favouring  “Engineering Projects (India) Ltd.” Payable at New Delhi, should reach to “The Group General Manager (HR), Engineering Projects (India) Ltd., Core-3, SCOPE Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003.” Last date of Submission of Application is  Two  weeks from  the date of publication of advertisement.

Detailed Information: http://epi.gov.in/Recruitment.pdf

Application Format: http://epi.gov.in/Application_Form.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-01-19T14:13:03Z