03 January 2012

CSPHCL Chhattisgarh Recruitment 2012 Accounts Officer / Assistant Manager

csebChhattisgarh State Power Holding Company Limited (CSPHCL) (A Chaattisgarh Government of Undertaking) invites application for the post of Accounts Officer  / Assistant Manager (F&A)  in  C.S. Power Distribution/ Generation/ Transmission/ Trading/ Holding Co.  Ltd.

Post Name

No of Vacancies

Pay Scale




Rs. 20425-675(3)-22450-900(8)-29650-1250(5)-48400/- + Allowances


Age Limit:

(i)  30 years for candidates of other than Chhattisgarh State Domicile. For female
candidates of other than Chhattisgarh State Domicile will be 40 years.
(ii)  35 years of UR category for candidates of Chhattisgarh State Domicile.
(iii)  40 years for SC/ST/OBC male candidates of Chhattisgarh State Domicile.
(iv)  45 years for SC/ST/OBC female candidates of Chhattisgarh State Domicile.

Application Fee: Rs. 500/-  for General, OBC category & SC/ST category candidates of other than Chhattisgarh State and Rs. 200/-  for SC/ST category candidates of Chhattisgarh State in form of non-refundable D.D./Banker's cheque in favour of  "Assistant Manager (CAU), CSPHCL, Raipur"  payable at Raipur (Chhattisgarh).

How To Apply: The application in the prescribed format should reach to "Dy. General Manager(HR)-II, CSPHCL, Dangania, Raipur PIN  -  492  013" positively on or before  31-01-2012. Envelop should be  clearly super scribed as "Application for the post of Accounts Officer / Assistant Manager (F&A)".

Application Format: http://www.cseb.gov.in/csphcl/recruitment/AO/App_Format_AO.pdf

Detailed Advertisement: http://www.cseb.gov.in/csphcl/recruitment/AO/Adv_AO.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-01-03T14:06:17Z