02 December 2011

Vizag Steel Recruitment December 2011 Specialists, Executives and Technicians

Vizag SteelVisakhapatnam Steel Plant (Vizag Steel),  a Navratna Company  and  India’s  first  shore-based  integrated Steel Plant, invites applications from qualified, experienced and competent candidates for the posts of Specialists/Junior Specialists, Executives and Technicians.


Name of the Post

No of Vacancies

Age Limit

Scale of Pay + Grade Pay


Specialist (General Medicine)
[or] Junior Specialist (General Medicine)


UR-40 years
OBC-43 years

CTC – 13.4 lakhs(approx.)
[or] Rs.900-3%-50500/-(E-2)
CTC – 10.2 lakhs(approx.)


Specialist (Anaesthesia)
[or] Junior Specialist (Anaesthesia)


UR-40 years
ST-45 years

CTC – 13.4 lakhs(approx.)
[or] Rs.900-3%-50500/-(E-2)
CTC – 10.2 lakhs(approx.)


Assistant Executive (QA&TD)


UR-30 years
ST-35 years

Rs.16400–3%-40500/- (E-0)
CTC – 6.3 lakhs


Technician (QA&TD)


UR-28 years
OBC-31 years
SC-33 years

Rs.9160– 3%-13150/- (S-3)
CTC – 3.6 lakhs

Application Fee: Rs.300/- deposited in “RINL-RECRUITMENT Account No.30589461220” at any of the core banking branches of State Bank of India in the prescribed Challan. No other form of payment is accepted.

How To Apply: Interested and Eligible candidates should apply in prescribed format. Application in the prescribed format filled-up in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS in ENGLISH, duly signed and along with photograph  (self  attested)  affixed  on  it  should  be  sent  by  Speed  Post  / Registered Post / Courier in a sealed cover by super scribing the envelope “APPLICATION FOR THE  POST  OF  _____________”  to  “AGM  (Personnel)-Recruitment,  Room  No.  232,  Main Administration  Building,  Visakhapatnam  Steel  Plant,  Visakhapatnam  –  530  031”  so  as  to reach latest by 12th December, 2011.

Detailed Document: http://www.vizagsteel.com/code/tenders/jobdocs/12920Microsoft%20Word%20-%20qa%26td.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-12-02T11:31:23Z