United Bank of India (UBI) engagement of Retired Bank officers as Financial Inclusion Supervisors (FISs) and Financial Inclusion Counsellors (FICs) for monitoring of Financial Inclusion and to provide financial counseling services. Applications are invited from retired Bank officers (UBI, Other Banks/RRBs) for engagement as Financial Supervisors (FISs) and Financial Inclusion Counselors (FICs) as per the prescribed format.
S.No | Name of the Post | No of Posts | Consolidated Pay |
1. | Financial Inclusion Supervisors (FISs) | 107 | Rs. 10,000 /- per month |
2. | Financial Inclusion Counselors (FICs) | 05 | Rs. 12000 /- per month |
Age Limit: Should not exceed 65 years at the time of initial engagement.
How To Apply: All the eligible candidates must submit their application to the concerned Regional offices of the Bank where they intend to work. Last date of submission of the application is 05.01.2011.
Details: http://www.unitedbankofindia.com/uploads/FIS.pdf
Application Form: http://www.unitedbankofindia.com/uploads/application%20format.pdf
Guidelines: http://www.unitedbankofindia.com/uploads/Guidelines%20for%20FIS_FIC.pdf
by Admin | Last Updated on 2011-12-18T09:15:15Z