09 December 2011

LIC Housing Finance Limited Recruitment 2011 Assistants (132 Vacancies)

lic housingLife Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) Mumbai recruitment for the post of assistant. Applications are invited from Indian citizens for the post of Assistant to fill up the vacancies in different regions across India.

Name of the Post

No of Vacancies

Age Limit


Educational Qualification



21 to 35 Years as on 1st Dec 2011

Rs.7400 – 455 - 7855 – 495(2) - 8845 – 560 (5) -11645
–  650 (2) – 12945 – 790 (3) -15315 - 825(2) – 16965

Graduate in any discipline with minimum 50 % marks. Candidates should have knowledge of
Computer Operations.

Application Fee: Rs. 350/-  which can be  deposited in any of the branches  of Axis Bank.  The fees will be accepted at  Axis Bank from  8th to 24th December 2011.

How To Apply: Candidates are required to apply online on or before 24th December 2011.

Detailed Advertisement, Pay Challan and Apply Online: http://www.epostonline.in/Forms/LIC20111205/Index.aspx

by | Last Updated on 2011-12-15T08:16:36Z