02 December 2011

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) Recruitment 2011 Director

FSSAIFood Safety and Standards Authority of India, a statutory regulatory body under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare proposes to fill up the post of Director, Food Research and Standardisation Laboratory (FRSL), Ghaziabad under FSSAI on deputation / short term contract /direct recruitment basis-reg.

Post Name

Age Limit

Pay Scale

Qualification & Experience

Director, Food Research and Standardisation Laboratory, Ghaziabad

56 Years

PB-4: Rs.37400-67000/- with grade pay of Rs.8700/-

Master’s degree in Chemistry/Bio-Chemistry/Chemistry of Foods and Drugs and Water/Food
Technology/Microbiology/ Food and Drugs from a recognised University or equivalent. 15 years’ experience.

How To Apply: Applications complete in all respects and in the appropriate pro-forma  through proper channel should reach Dy. Director (Estt. & Admn), FDA Bhawan,  Kotla Road, New Delhi-110 002,
within 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement (22 Nov 2011).

Details: http://www.fssai.gov.in/Portals/0/Pdf/Advt_for_filling_up_the_post_of_Director_FRSL_Ghaziabad.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-12-02T11:55:46Z