10 November 2011

WAPCOS Limited Assistant Office Manager Jobs 2011

WAPCOS LimitedWAPCOS Limited (A Government of India Undertaking) a Mini Ratna Schedule `B’ Public Sector Consultancy Organization needs Assistant Office Manager (PR) on regular basis. WAPCOS Limited invites application for the post of Assistant Office Manager (PR).

Post Name

Age Limit

Pay Scale


Assistant Office Manager

35 Years


Degree from a recognised university PG Diploma in Media Writing (OR) PG Diploma in Radio & TV Journalism.

How To Apply:  Interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility conditions may send their CV in the prescribed proforma to General Manager (P&A), WAPCOS Limited, Plot No.76-C, Sector-18, Gurgaon-122 015, Haryana within 15 days from the date of release of the advertisement (date: 08.11.2011).

Detailed Info: http://www.wapcos.gov.in/Career/JobDetails.aspx?jobId=18

by | Last Updated on 2011-11-10T13:34:11Z