Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited (TNPL) a well known Paper Manufacturing Company with a turnover of over Rs.1200 Crore is looking for the following personnel for its Paper Mills at Kagithapuram in Karur District, Tamilnadu.
S.No | Name of the Post | No of Vacancies | Age Limit | Scale of Pay |
1. | Assistant General Manager (Finishing House) | 01 | 47 years | Rs. 26000-800-34000/- |
2. | Senior Manager (Safety) | 01 | 45 years | Rs. 22500-700-29500/- |
3. | Manager (Forestry) | 01 | 40 years | Rs. 21500-600-27500/- |
4. | Manager (Plantation) | 01 | 40 years | Rs. 21500-600-27500/- |
5. | Deputy Manager (HR) | 01 | 35 years | Rs. 18000-500-23000/- |
6. | Deputy Manager (Accounts) | 04 | 35 years | Rs. 18000-500-23000/- |
7. | Assistant Shift Engineer (Chemical) | 04 | General Turn-30 years; BC-30 years MBC/DNC-32 years; SC/ST-35 years. | Rs. 10500-250-13000/- |
8. | Assistant Plant Engineer (Mechanical) | 01 | SC-35 years | Rs. 10500-250-13000/- |
How To Apply: Eligible candidates may apply in strict confidence super scribing the name of the post. Completed application reach to: “DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER (HR), TAMILNADU NEWSPRINT AND PAPERS LIMITED, Kagithapuram-639 136, Karur District, Tamilnadu.” The last date for receipt of application is 07/12/2011 to 05:30 PM.
Detailed Advertisement: http://www.tnpl.com/Careers/hr%20advt%2023nov2011.pdf
by Admin | Last Updated on 2011-11-25T14:12:44Z